Educating & equipping the next generation.
Our Flashpoint Program educates student learners in character, purpose, language and life skills, HIV/AIDS education, critical thinking and leadership development. We also offer mentoring and counseling for learners and educators.
How do we do it?
Ignite South Africa has gained incredible favor with the Department of Education. Through our program they have seen statistics change in their schools. We are invited to teach in their classrooms once a week for an entire term, allowing our team to go through our curriculum, mentor, and sow into the lives of the learners.
Our classes, taught in English will help learners grow in language and life skills, HIV/AIDS education, critical thinking and leadership development. These classes are taught by our Coaches - local men and women with a passion to model what they teach and equip the youth, are trained and mentored to teach.
Our Curriculum
All of our curriculum is biblically based and centered on God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, and purpose. It has been written to specifically address the needs of this region in a Christ-centered way, focusing on language and life skill attainment, HIV/AIDS prevention, critical thinking and leadership development. It is all about doing life God’s way in relation to the subject being taught, and each of the curriculum ends with a salvation invitation.
Imma Character
Created for students in grades 4 - 6 the curriculum uses real-life lessons to help develop strong character at a young age.
Living on Purpose
Regardless of the circumstances of your birth, God created you for a purpose. This book helps students investigate what that is and begin dreaming!
Save Sex
Healthy friendships and relationships are the focus with this curriculum including discussion and emphasis on saving sex until marriage.
Break the Silence
Debate and critical thinking are encouraged as hot topics facing youth as truths are exposed.
No Excuse
Our HIV/AIDS education which includes transmission, pathology, prevention and care.
Ignite Newsletter
Educators have asked that we teach our Flashpoint classes primarily in English so that students can grow in this important skill, one that will help prepare them for university and future careers. In one of our schools, Coaches found that students were really struggling with English. To help, they were invited to teach an extra class in English to allow students to practice reading, speaking, and writing skills. During these classes, they also discovered that students were falling behind in homework because they had chores such as fetching water and tending herds once they got home. So our Coaches taught the students time-management skills to help them succeed in all they do. They also worked with the school to open the library for after-school homework and add more English books. As a result, they have seen significant progress in their students.
Additional Outreaches
Our group assembly is 45-60 min for Intermediate and High School and will provide testimonies and encouragement to the entire school based on the school’s topic of choice.
Our classroom assembly extends into smaller groups, classroom style, teaching our biblically based Living on Purpose, Save Sex or No Excuse HIV curriculum.
Educator Workshops
Our 2 hour workshops are designed specifically for those teaching the youth. They have been stated to motivate and refresh the educators providing them with new ideas and encouragement. Workshop titles provided in the past include; Personalities and Communication, Team Building, Burn Out, and Learner Challenges.
Individual Meetings and Consultation
We are available to meet with students experiencing behavioral challenges in class, truancy, drugs, abuse etc. to help identify learning challenges and help students succeed.
We are available for consultation and after the meeting we will investigate best practices to provide you with a list of resources or support services that are available to your school.
English Classes
More details coming soon.