What percentage of my donation goes to administrative costs vs ministry?
Coming Soon.
I see from looking at the work done in the schools that there have been quite a few salvations. What is Ignites responsibility and efforts in disciplining new Christian’s?
Coming Soon.
In a culture like in South Africa, what can Ignite point to that indicates success in decreasing the transmission of HIV because of its curriculum?
Coming Soon.
Does Ignite have any trouble with the local government?
Coming Soon.
How many schools/chidren does Ignite educate during a school year?
Coming Soon.
What is the biggest hurdle in reaching the children?
Coming Soon.
How do you know the impact the local pastors are having in their communities after they’ve completed the program?
Coming Soon.
Does Ignite have eductaional programs for at-risk women before they become pregnant?
Coming Soon.
FAQ - Mission Teams
What would a mission team do if they went there?
Coming Soon.
What if we have a group of people who want to go on a mission trip but have never been and have no leadership experience, how can Ignite help us get prepared?
Ignite can help be conducting regularly scheduled team meetings stateside either in person or through virtual meetings
In certain limited situations, an Ignite representative may be able to accompany and lead the team. (J- we may want to vet this one before it goes on the sire 😊)
Cost per person?
Coming Soon.
What is the best time of year to take a team there?
Coming Soon.
Would members need any special skills?
Coming Soon.