Who We Are

Ignite South Africa was founded in November of 2010 by two American missionaries and a large group of South African nationals, passionate about reaching their nation and willing to step out in faith.

Our Founder, June Blanshan, was serving as a missionary with another organization whose mission was to raise up next generation leaders. When they closed their doors there was a realization that there had been no nationals raised up to continue the work. June new that God called her to the people and place, not that specific organization, and as she pressed in to God’s direction for the next steps, He gave her vision for Ignite South Africa.

With boots on the ground, the team stepped out in faith not knowing if there would even be funds to support the work God was calling them into, yet He provided through champions like you gave with just as much faith as the team.

Today, not only has our work has expanded, but Ignite South Africa is led by nationals who have faithfully served since that initial calling!

Ignite South Africa’s mission is to bring education to the next generation, the spiritual leaders, and those at-risk in South Africa, while modeling the love of Jesus.

Our organization is modeled on 2 Timothy 3:17 - our heart is that
“the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

We recognize the need for equipping and through education, we envision leaders of all ages who:

• internalize the truth that regardless of circumstances, their lives are purposed by God.
• increasingly grow in godly character and grace as they model Christian leadership.
• are equipped with the knowledge, resources and tools necessary to reach their highest potential.
• can boldly and effectively share the love of God with others.
• ignite change in their communities because of their influence.
• are invested in raising up next generation leaders of all ages.

Our Work to Date

  • Flashpoint Program

    The Flashpoint program began in 20…. and we have made this ##### impact

  • Enrich Program

    The Enrich program began in 20…. and we have made this ##### impact

  • Hope Program

    The Hope program began in 20…. and we have made this ##### impact

Why South Africa?

Equipping: Education changes Everything.

South Africa is a country with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Extreme poverty, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and the residual effects from apartheid fuel a sense of hopelessness that only the truth and love of God can eradicate. Extreme poverty, HIV/AIDs and other societal problems grip this nation creating a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness to make a difference.

Among the Basotho people of South Africa,

  • one in four people are infected with HIV

  • one in three children are sexually exploited

  • 90% of the pastors have no formal training

  • 88% of the people are unemployed

  • 69% of the youth do not graduate high school

South Africa is also a country of limitless potential. As the most developed nation on the continent, South Africa’s influence is far-reaching and this country is keenly positioned to turn the tide for Africa with Godly next generation leaders. It is behind the eyes of South Africa’s citizens that we see God’s divine purpose in modeling, equipping, multiplying Godly leaders who will not ignore the challenges that have crippled this nation, but who will counter them with the truth and hope given by God.

Where We Serve

Focusing on the people and culture of the Basotho, the areas we serve include Qwa Qwa and Intabazwe, rural township areas with a combined population of nearly 2 million people.  This holds great potential with South Africa being one of the most developed nations in Africa,  often called the “Gateway to Africa.”

As we impact the people of these communities, we know that the impact will be felt throughout the continent.

Qwa Qwa
With over 1.8 million residents, Qwa Qwa (Phuthaditjhaba) is a collection of villages. The majority of the people in Qwa Qwa are Basotho, but like Intabazwe, there is a mix of other people groups as well. Qwa Qwa has been called the poorest area of South Africa because of the high unemployment rates and high rates of chronic hunger.

Harrismith is a small farming community in the heart of the Free State. About 7000 people call this area home. While Afrikaans is the most popular language, English, Zulu and Sesotho are widely spoken as well. Less than an hour from Qwa Qwa, we’re in an ideal place to be able to disciple people in both areas.

More about South Africa
South Africa is a beautiful country with beautiful people. We know that God has big plans for the country—we’re excited we can be part of it.

  • Population: 45 million

  • Time Zone: 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time during Daylight Savings; 7 hours ahead during the rest of the year.

  • Climate: Our seasons are opposite of those in America because we’re in the Southern Hemisphere. Our summers generally run from October to March, and are hot. While winter, running from April to September, is very cold and dry. Temperatures in the winter months frequently go below freezing and it even snows most winters.

  • Language: There are 11 official languages: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sesotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, and Zulu. Sesotho is the primary language of those we serve.

Everyone deserves to have hope, to see a different way.

Our Strategy

Early Education: FlashPoint

65% of youth drop out and do not complete their education.

Equipping with true information and materials enables people to live their purpose free of dependency on others. In partnership with South Africa’s Department of Education, we teach and mentor at-risk youth through life skills and leadership training, HIV/AIDS prevention through our FlashPoint program.

Crisis Intervention: Hope Programs

In South Africa, 1 in 3 children are sexually abused, many by those they know. Basotho women are at the mercy of any adult male leaving them at risk.

Over 50% of rape victims do not report to local authorities; they need a safe place. When a woman understands her rights to her body, the ability to say "no," and their potential, their future opens. Our hope programs meet emotional and practical needs during crisis through a 24-hour pregnancy crisis line, mobile pregnancy clinic, House of Hope and childbirth and parenting classes.

Leadership: Enrich

Due to oppression and poverty, hopelessness has permeated the culture.

Equipped with leadership skills they see modeled while provided opportunities in which to practice their use, people are able to step into a leadership role with confidence. We equip church leaders through the Enrich Bible School, Bible Intensives and training conferences, workshops, small group study, and one-on-one discipleship.